Pedagogy of the Digitally Oppressed
Pedagogy of the Digitally Oppressed
The Emperor's New Carbon Accounting

The Emperor's New Carbon Accounting

How the world's biggest Environmental fraudster Jeff Bezos is attempting to rig the rules of the game

A couple of weeks ago the FT reported that the UK Charity Commission are investigating a disclosure by a former employee of the Science Based Targets initiative - which sets the rules for measuring companies’s emissions.

The idea is that Jeff Bezos may be asserting excessive influence over the rule making process around what does and does not count as a carbon emissions reduction.

Lots of people would like companies to directly and unambiguously reduce the amount they pollute, but some powerful companies are pushing an “offset” system of carbon accounting that would allow them to pollute as normal.

The offset system allows polluters instead to invest in completely separate green energy projects around the world that in and of themselves help to reduce global emissions, but do nothing to reduce a company’s pollution.

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Ranjan Balakumaran